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Eric Andre on 'Fallon': This Guy's Wasting Away on 'Apartment 23'

When I was looking up late-night guests for this week, it took me longer than usual to figure out who Eric Andre was. The guy doesn't even have his own Wikipedia page. Once I found out that Andre is on Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23, I narrowed it down to figure out which character he was. The coffee shop guy? Does the coffee shop guy have a name? Apparently it's Mark Reynolds, who I assume is supposed to the Apartment 23 version of the Baltimore Orioles' third baseman.

After watching Andre on Monday night's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, it's obvious that this guy is wasting his talent on Apartment 23. His character on that show completely neuters Andre. Based on his time with Jimmy Fallon and the clip they showed from Adult Swim's The Eric Andre Show, the actor/comedian needs to be doing something else than playing a background character on Apartment 23.

Eric Andre on 'Fallon': This Guy's Wasting Away on 'Apartment 23' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/12/2012 Rating: 5

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