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Steven Spielberg, Zack Snyder and Quentin Tarantino Won't Direct 'Star Wars: Episode VII'

While that rumor that Matthew Vaughn is going to direct Star Wars: Episode VII still sits out there unconfirmed, three other directors have stepped up to deny interest in directing the new Star Wars movie. Over the past two days, Steven Spielberg, Zack Snyder and Quentin Tarantino all shot down rumors that they would be the one carrying the Star Wars torch after George Lucas.

Spielberg had this to say about Episode VII to Access Hollywood:

“No! No!” Steven told Access. According to the Hollywood icon, lightsabers, stormtroopers and Wookies will be somebody else’s responsibility. “It’s not my genre,” the director explained. “It’s my best friend George’s genre.”

I know that everyone loved the idea of Spielberg directing Star Wars: Episode VII, but I was never on board. He's too big of a name to take on the franchise. Disney would've be willing to give the director the creative freedom he would want, not when they envision making Star Wars into its own version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Meanwhile, Snyder talked to Hero Complex about Star Wars.

“I don’t think I’d be interested in [directing it],” Snyder said during a recent interview. “I’m a huge ‘Star Wars’ fanatic. I just think doing [episodes] seven, eight and nine is just a slippery slope. It’s a whole other mythological experiment I’m excited to see, but it’s a lot of effort.”

It's popular to hate on Snyder, but I give the guy credit for sticking to his own style. 300 and Watchmen were great successes, and while Sucker Punch kind of bombed, it was a gorgeous looking movie. It'll be interesting to see how his version of Superman plays out with Man of Steel. If he can tone down his signature style for that film, maybe he could have done it for Star Wars too.

And finally, Tarantino was his usual pleasant self when talking to Entertainment Weekly about Episode VII.

“I could so care less,” he responded. So he’s not fan? “No, sorry. Especially if Disney’s going to do it. I’m not interested in the Simon West version of Star Wars.”

Jerk. Look, the "Disney is gonna ruin Star Wars" card isn't one you can play anymore. Disney didn't ruin Marvel. Stop whining about Disney running the galaxy far, far away now. Did Tarantino love what Lucas did with the prequels?

Now that we've gotten these big names out of the way, let's talk about the up-and-coming directors who should helm Star Wars: Episode VII.
Steven Spielberg, Zack Snyder and Quentin Tarantino Won't Direct 'Star Wars: Episode VII' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/09/2012 Rating: 5

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