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A Seth Pohorence Pop-Ed: Celebrating the Beatles

It’s hard to believe this has been 50 years since the Beatles appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like it was yesterday, but 50 years seems like an eternity compared to today. Yet it is remarkable that the Beatles can still be relevant after 50 years.

Growing up, Beatles music was always around. My dad was a big fan of classic rock music from the 60s and 70s. I can’t blame him — growing up in Cleveland around that time, so many rock bands coming to prominence during that time period. I spent a lot of time with my dad, and we always had the Beatles on as background music. Even as an infant, I know the songs on Abbey Road and Let It Be were ingrained in my brain because my father used to play those to help me sleep at night. I feel like I owe him for teaching me about good music.

What’s not to like about this band? OK, so they once said they were bigger than Jesus. Okay, Yoko Ono may have been a bad influence. Maybe Ringo Starr was the least talented member, but seriously, what band has made a larger impact on not only music, but also culture? The Rolling Stones and The Who are close, but not the same as the Fab Four.

Four guys from Liverpool with four different personalities came together and produced some amazing music. They changed their sound a few times over those twelve albums but never missed a beat. Even through their turmoil they found a way to work together.

Everyone has to have a favorite song. It doesn’t matter if it was “Help!” or “Revolution #9.” I’m not here to say which sound has to be the best, no matter what Rolling Stone says. You can like Meet The Beatles or Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Either way, no album is better than your choice. You can like them when they were the pop band, the psychedelic band or the pensive band. It’s your choice. That’s the beauty of The Beatles. You can love the campy movies or enjoy the behind the look documentary of Let It Be. Either way they failed to disappoint.

The Beatles have a great enduring way about them. My parents’ generation shared it with us, and we hold their music dear. Much like a family heirloom, I’ve seen many of my friends who now have kids and pass it down to those kids. It would not surprise me if generations from now, we still pass down the Beatles catalog. Future generations will ask why Justin Bieber was a big deal in 2013 or who the Backstreet Boys were, but everyone will know who Paul, George, John and Ringo are.

Also if anyone by chance is looking to unload a vinyl copy of Abbey Road to replace my dad’s old copy, you know where to reach me.
A Seth Pohorence Pop-Ed: Celebrating the Beatles Reviewed by Unknown on 2/05/2014 Rating: 5

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