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'Breaking Bad' in 30 Days*: The Project Begins

I've heard a lot about Breaking Bad over the past few years. Friends have raved about it, Bryan Cranston has won Emmys for it. It's a pretty big deal. Somehow though, I've never watched Breaking Bad. It just kind of slipped through the cracks, something that I feel is a major blind spot in my pop culture vision.

Well, I plan on fixing that now. Season 5 of Breaking Bad launches on July 15. That gives me a month to watch the first four seasons, which total 46 episodes. Doing the math, over the 30 days, I would have to watch 1.53 episodes per day to catch up. Unfortunately, you'll notice the asterisk after the title of this project. I never got around to starting on June 15, so I'm already a day behind, which means I'm going to have to up my Breaking Bad watching to catch up.

I'll keep you posted on my progress. Don't spoil anything for me.
'Breaking Bad' in 30 Days*: The Project Begins Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/16/2012 Rating: 5

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