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'My Bet Is You're Gonna Like This Pizza!': Jimmy Fallon and Ben Stiller Use Their Fake Arms to Make a Pizza

Ben Stiller joined Jimmy Fallon on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on Friday, and after discussing Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted, Fallon brought up Jacob's Patience, the alleged Canadian show that he and Stiller had starred in. Apparently (and allegedly again), Stiller refused to use his real arms back when they shot Jacob's Patience, thus forcing everyone to use fake arms.

Will Ferrell has done this sketch with Fallon once or twice in the past, and the ridiculousness of the fake arms is always funny, especially when you have guys like Stiller who completely buy into premise.

'My Bet Is You're Gonna Like This Pizza!': Jimmy Fallon and Ben Stiller Use Their Fake Arms to Make a Pizza Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/09/2012 Rating: 5

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