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TRAILER: Newest 'Texas Chainsaw' Brings You Leatherface in 3D

After posting the trailer for Lincoln, a sure-thing Oscar contender, I'm going to make the trailer to Texas Chainsaw 3D my follow up post. What's that you say? You were just dying to see ANOTHER installment of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Well, you're in luck, because they're going to keep on making them. Let's see if we can figure out where Texas Chainsaw 3D falls in the series' mythology. Unlike 2003's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, this one isn't a remake. Nor is it a sequel or prequel to 2006's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, which was a prequel to the 2003 movie. This one is apparently a direct sequel to the 1974 original, which means The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 doesn't count now ... ?

Alexandra Daddario (who played the girl who kissed Adam on Parenthood) plays a girl who has inherited the infamous house from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, only to find out that Leatherface still lives there. I'm not quite sure how that works out, but I guess Leatherface has been chilling in the basement since 1974. Probably yelled, "Mom! Meatloaf!" a bunch of times but just figured his mom was busy. Other attractive people play characters who most likely won't make it to the end of this movie, Tania Ramonde (Ben Linus' daughter on Lost) and Trey Songz among them.

Here's my advice. Watch this trailer. Then go and rewatch the Lincoln trailer about a dozen times.

TRAILER: Newest 'Texas Chainsaw' Brings You Leatherface in 3D Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/13/2012 Rating: 5

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