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'Elysium,' Director Neill Blomkamp's Follow-Up to 'District 9,' Gets Its First Poster

While a lot of fans of District 9 are probably wishing that Neill Blomkamp was making a sequel to that movie right now, the director instead chose to make Elysium, yet another original science-fiction film. The basic plot details to that film have been known for awhile, but much of Elysium has been shrouded in secrecy. In a dystopian future, the rich people of the world live in a space station while the rest of humanity lives in squalor on a ruined Earth. Matt Damon plays a man trying to break into Elysium, that space station, with Jodie Foster playing a woman trying to stop him.

The first poster for Elysium hit the Internet on Monday. You can check it out after the jump. In other exciting news about this movie, we'll get the first trailer for Elysium on Tuesday. The word on Twitter from the people who already saw it makes it sound like we're in for something cool.

'Elysium,' Director Neill Blomkamp's Follow-Up to 'District 9,' Gets Its First Poster Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/09/2013 Rating: 5

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