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Emily Blunt Suits Up in New 'Edge of Tomorrow' Poster

Looks like Tom Cruise won't be the only one donning some high-tech battle armor in Edge of Tomorrow, with a new poster for the movie showing off a very badass-looking Emily Blunt.

Edge of Tomorrow stars Cruise as a man who dies in battle against an alien race only to awake the next day to fight the battle again, beginning a cycle of dying and then waking again to repeat the fight. This Groundhog Day-esque turn of events allows Cruise's character to learn how to fight against the alien enemy, eventually joining forces with another military character played by Blunt.

Edge of Tomorrow hits theaters on June 6, 2014. Head past the jump to check out the full poster featuring Blunt.

Emily Blunt Suits Up in New 'Edge of Tomorrow' Poster Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 7/20/2013 Rating: 5

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