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Jason Sudeikis and Kirsten Dunst Will Be 'Sleeping With Other People'

Life is pretty good for Jason Sudeikis right now. His Saturday Night Live life might be over, but he's engaged to Olivia Wilde. We're the Millers, his most recent movie, is a surprise hit, grossing over $100 million. Sudeikis has always had the haircut of a leading man, and it looks like he's on the verge of fulfilling that destiny.

On Tuesday, it was announced that Sudeikis would star in Sleeping With Other People along side Kirsten Dunst. The movie was written and will be directed by Leslye Headland, who previously wrote and directed Dunst's Bachelorette. According to Variety, "Sudeikis portrays a good-natured womanizer who befriends a remorseful serial cheater, played by Dunst."

I'm not sure how many people saw Bachelorette, as it had a weird on-demand release, but the movie is worth seeing. Despite what people may have told you, it's not the female Hangover. Bachelorette is a mean comedy, but if you're in the mood for that kind of movie, it does the job. Dunst can be a polarizing actress, so having her star in a movie where you weren't supposed to like the characters worked perfectly.
Jason Sudeikis and Kirsten Dunst Will Be 'Sleeping With Other People' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/11/2013 Rating: 5

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