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'SNL' PROMOS: Aidy Bryant Tells Seth Rogen to Stop Phoning It In

Seth Rogen will host Saturday Night Live for his third time this weekend, and NBC has released its weekly batch of clips to promote the episode. Aidy Bryant joined Rogen for these clips, making her first appearance in promos. The factoid wasn't lost on Bryant, as she reminds Rogen on several occasions during the promos that not only are they her first but that this week is all about her.

It took SNL two years to get Bryant into promos? How is that possible? The show used to use Fred Armisen constantly, but Bryant is actually funny. Use her more, SNL.

'SNL' PROMOS: Aidy Bryant Tells Seth Rogen to Stop Phoning It In Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/09/2014 Rating: 5

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