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Robert Downey Jr. Confirms That 'Iron Man 4' Negotiations Are Happening ... Kinda

When it comes to the possibility of Iron Man 4 happening, Robert Downey Jr. has been all over the place. From signing on for two more Avengers movies in June 2013 to remarking "Why give up the belt?" in July 2014 to saying there's "no plan" for the movie just last month, Downey hasn't given Iron Man fans much to go on.

That approach to the movie continued on Tuesday when Downey told Ellen DeGeneres, "I know there's going to be a bunch more Marvel movies, and they have big ideas of how to do it best, and, um, we're in the middle of negotiations." DeGeneres pushed Downey further, causing the actor to say "OK, yes," to another Iron Man movie happening.

Obviously, this isn't a confirmation. This is Downey chatting with a talk-show host. That said, there's still a lot left to be announced when it comes to Marvel Studios' Phase Three plans for its cinematic universe. We know there's Ant-Man, Captain America 3, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Doctor Strange, but there are still a bunch of dates that the studio has claimed for unannounced movies. There's always the chance that Marvel has been hoping to make Iron Man 4 happen and was waiting to lock down all those dates.

Along with the news that Sony and Marvel Studios were working on something that would connect Spider-Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hitfix's Drew McWeeny also reported yesterday that the common belief that Marvel would apply the James Bond model to its characters — replacing an actor like Downey with someone else to play Tony Stark — possibly wasn't correct. If there isn't a plan to recast Stark, that would add to likelihood that Downey dons the Iron Man armor once again in a movie that isn't an Avengers film.
Robert Downey Jr. Confirms That 'Iron Man 4' Negotiations Are Happening ... Kinda Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 10/07/2014 Rating: 5

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