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FURIOUS 7 Director James Wan Is the Frontrunner to Helm AQUAMAN

Thanks to the record-breaking success of Furious 7, director James Wan now has the ability to choose pretty much any project he wants to tackle next. If The Hollywood Reporter is right, Wan is on the verge of jumping into a universe much larger than Fast and Furious — a universe of superheroes. According to THR, Wan is the frontrunner to helm Aquaman for Warner Bros.

Wan already has a busy schedule. He's directing The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist and is still in the mix to direct Fast and Furious 8. THR writes that Universal has an option on Wan for the sequel and could choose to exercise it.

With a July 27, 2018, release date for Aquaman, Warner Bros. will want to have Wan's full attention if they pick him to helm the movie. If Wan is going to helm the movie, he's going to have to commit soon. There won't be time for another Fast and Furious movie before then.

Former Game of Thrones star Jason Momoa will play Aquaman.
FURIOUS 7 Director James Wan Is the Frontrunner to Helm AQUAMAN Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/12/2015 Rating: 5

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