'I Wanna Do Karate and Make Babies': Tracy Morgan Runs Wild On 'Conan'
There is no force in this universe quite like a Tracy Morgan talk show appearance. Once the comedian's name is called, all a host can do is sit back and hold on for the ride. Morgan joined Conan O'Brien on Tuesday night, and I honestly have no idea which direction to actually take this post in. It was a classic Tracy Morgan appearance. Random things were yelled. Topics were abruptly changed.
I'm going to just leave you with a collection of quotes from Morgan's Conan appearance:
"I wanna do karate and make babies. That's all I want to do."
"I Am Legend. That can really happen, you know."
"Khloe is my daughter. It could have been O.J. It was a threesome."
"I'm a descendant of Clark Gable."
"Katie Couric keeps calling me, wanting to come over."
"But barbecue is so much more now since Obama became president."I'd say here's the video of Morgan and O'Brien talking, but O'Brien didn't really have the chance to do much talking himself.
'I Wanna Do Karate and Make Babies': Tracy Morgan Runs Wild On 'Conan'
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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