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We Have to Go Back: 'Lost' Ended Two Years Ago Tonight

Two years ago tonight, Lost came to an end. I can't decide if it seems like it was just yesterday when the iconic series aired its finale or if it feels like a lifetime ago. Whatever the case, I know that no show has come close to replacing what I consider one of the greatest shows in television history.

In May of 2010, my friends and I had planned a trip to Washington, D.C., long before I ever knew that I would wind up living there. On a weekly basis, our group had gathered to watch Lost, using picking up food and beer beforehand. The show was a weekly time to connect for my friends and I. When we found out that the Lost series finale would be airing on the Sunday while we were in D.C., we began to panic. Would our hotel have a TV appropriate for such an occasion? Would it be really lame to spend a night of our vacation?

We wound up staying in a hotel room with a huge, HD TV. Perfect for the Lost finale. So, yes, we did spend a night of our vacation watching TV. And we made a huge deal of it. We all got suited up, went out for a steak dinner, and then came back to watch the final story of Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley and the Island. Honestly, the suits and steaks part was a celebration of being on vacation and before one of our friends went off to Kentucky for school in addition to being the Lost Last Supper.

I loved the Lost finale. Was it what people had been predicting for six years? Nope. And that's what made it perfect. Lost, when at its best, was a series that kept you on the edge of your seat and made it impossible to ever guess what was going to happen next. We lived and died with those characters for six seasons, waiting breathlessly through the "Next time on Lost" segments and cursing the TV whenever ABC announced the show would be off for a few weeks.

Lost — the show, the experience and what it meant to my friends and me — was as close to a perfect TV show as I've ever found.
We Have to Go Back: 'Lost' Ended Two Years Ago Tonight Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/23/2012 Rating: 5

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