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Alison Brie and Jason Ritter Got Retweeted

Yahoo! put together a trailer for a fake movie called You Got Retweeted that "stars" Alison Brie and Jason Ritter. The video itself is a mediocre level of funny, but if I remember my history correctly, no one ever used the Internet until Brie showed up and started tweeting pictures of herself and showing up in videos like this. What was the Internet used before Alison Brie arrived, you ask? Basically just cat videos.

Anyways, here's Alison Brie in You Got Retweeted, a fake movie that dangerously plays in the uncanny valley of fake movies that could actually get green lit as real romantic comedies.

Alison Brie and Jason Ritter Got Retweeted Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/25/2012 Rating: 5

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