Daniel Radcliffe Rejected Julianne Hough's Valentine
OK, well, Daniel Radcliffe didn't actually reject Julianne Hough's Valentine offering of a handwritten card and a Beanie Baby, but he didn't respond to it. All of this is according to Hough, who was on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on Wednesday night. Hough was on the episode to promote Rock of Ages, her upcoming film with Tom Cruise, but that didn't stop the actress/dancer/singer from discussing how she was once an extra in a Harry Potter film and had a crush on the Boy Who Played the Boy Who Lived.
After talking about Cruise and Rock of Ages, Hough played a game of ladder golf with Jimmy Fallon. I was really tempted to make the headline of this article "Julianne Hough Plays with Jimmy Fallon's Balls," but I thought better of it. I didn't want anyone to confuse the innocent act of two friends playing ladder golf with something inappropriate.
Daniel Radcliffe Rejected Julianne Hough's Valentine
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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