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TRAILER: No One Can Land a Plane Like Denzel Washington in 'Flight'

Denzel Washington has played a lot of roles in his lifetime, but he's never been a hero pilot accused of possibly flying drunk. Until now. In Flight, Washington's next film, the actor plays a hero pilot accused of possibly flying drunk. Pretty self-explanatory, huh?

Returning from Land of Dead-Eyed Kids, Robert Zemeckis directs Flight. It's sometimes easy to forget that Zemeckis directed Cast Away and Forrest Gump. His fascination with creepy motion-capture movies like The Polar Express and Beowulf stand out to me more now than those previous classic films.

TRAILER: No One Can Land a Plane Like Denzel Washington in 'Flight' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/06/2012 Rating: 5

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