Brad Pitt Takes on a Zombie Apocalypse in 'World War Z' Teaser Trailer and Poster
While The Walking Dead is pop culture's current zombie caretaker, Brad Pitt plans on crashing that party next summer. The actor will star in (and produce) World War Z, a film based on Max Brooks' popular book about surviving a zombie apocalypse.
The film version has hit a lot of bumps. Pitt and director Marc Forster feuded over the movie's direction. Paramount pushed it into 2013. Drew Goddard was brought in to rewrite the movie's third act. World War Z is at least completed enough to have its first trailer debuting this Thursday, and thanks to Entertainment Tonight, we now have our first look at that trailer.
It looks like World War Z has chose to go with not the lumbering zombies of the George Romero movies or even the scary fast zombies of recent zombies movies, but instead the idea that zombies move in tumbling wave-like herds. That different, right?
World War Z is expected in theater on June 21, 2013. Head past the jump to check out the teaser trailer and see the movie's teaser poster.
The film version has hit a lot of bumps. Pitt and director Marc Forster feuded over the movie's direction. Paramount pushed it into 2013. Drew Goddard was brought in to rewrite the movie's third act. World War Z is at least completed enough to have its first trailer debuting this Thursday, and thanks to Entertainment Tonight, we now have our first look at that trailer.
It looks like World War Z has chose to go with not the lumbering zombies of the George Romero movies or even the scary fast zombies of recent zombies movies, but instead the idea that zombies move in tumbling wave-like herds. That different, right?
World War Z is expected in theater on June 21, 2013. Head past the jump to check out the teaser trailer and see the movie's teaser poster.
Brad Pitt Takes on a Zombie Apocalypse in 'World War Z' Teaser Trailer and Poster
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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