On Election Day, Let's All Unite Behind This New 'Lincoln' Commerical
HappyToday is the 152nd anniversary of the election that sent Abraham Lincoln to the White House. In honor of our greatest president*, here's a new commercial for Lincoln. No words. Still awesome. If you haven't seen the international trailer for this film yet, make sure you check that out too. It looks like Steven Spielberg and Daniel Day-Lewis hit a home run with this film.
*And yes, Lincoln is still our greatest president. Let's stop pretending anyone else was. I don't care what you think about George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt or even the current occupant of the Oval Office, none of them come close. When one of them saves the Union, come talk to me.
On Election Day, Let's All Unite Behind This New 'Lincoln' Commerical
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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