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Christina Aguilera Joins Jimmy Fallon and The Roots to Perform 'Your Body' with Office Supplies

Jimmy Fallon set the impromptu performance bar pretty high this summer when Carly Rae Jepsen joined the late-night host and The Roots to sing Call Me Maybe. This doesn't mean that Fallon is afraid of trying to beat that clip, though, as he was joined by Christina Aguilera on Friday night to sing a Late Night with Jimmy Fallon version of Your Body. It looks like the entire membership of The Roots showed up to perform with Fallon and Aguilera, playing along on office supplies.

My favorite part of this video isn't the performance itself — it's the YouTube description of the video that lists what everyone is playing. Aguilera on vocals and stapler. Fallon on iPhone keyboard. Questlove on coffee pots with pencil drumsticks. Head past the jump to see the video of the performance, and then click through to see the YouTube page itself for the entire performance instrument list.

Christina Aguilera Joins Jimmy Fallon and The Roots to Perform 'Your Body' with Office Supplies Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/03/2012 Rating: 5

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