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FEENY! FEE-HEE-HEENAY! 'Boy Meets World' Sequel Series in the Works at Disney Channel

In what may be the greatest scoop ever, TVLine is reporting that the Disney Channel is developing a sequel series to Boy Meets World. The show would be called Girl Meets World, and would focus on the daughter of Cory and Topanga. TVLine is also reporting that Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel, stars of the original series, are being courted for the new series.

Anyone who grew up watching ABC's TGIF knows that Boy Meets World is one of the greatest shows of all time. Repeats of certain episodes often cause "Boy Meets World" to be a trending topic on Twitter. If the Disney Channel can pull this off (and also get Will Friedle, Rider Strong and William Daniels to sign on), the network would forever have the admiration of an entire generation of pop culture lovers.
FEENY! FEE-HEE-HEENAY! 'Boy Meets World' Sequel Series in the Works at Disney Channel Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/02/2012 Rating: 5

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