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'Grey's Anatomy' Killed Mr. Feeny ... Does This Mean He Can Join the 'Boy Meets World' Sequel Now?

As a non-Grey's Anatomy watcher, I completely missed the news that the show had killed off the character played by William Daniels — Boy Meets World's George Feeny. I have no idea what his character's name was, but from what I gather he was a top-level surgeon.

There are two important things that come from this Grey's Anatomy death. One, you don't kill off Mr. Feeny. That's just cold. Two, Daniels is now no longer attached to ABC's medical drama, making him available. If only there was a certain sequel to a certain TGIF show starting production ...

If you're like me and don't watch Grey's Anatomy, head past the jump to check out Mr. Feeny's death on the show in GIF form.

'Grey's Anatomy' Killed Mr. Feeny ... Does This Mean He Can Join the 'Boy Meets World' Sequel Now? Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/10/2012 Rating: 5

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