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Farewell, 'SNL' Mitt Romney: 10 Times Jason Sudeikis Played the GOP Presidential Candidate

Now that the 2012 presidential election is all over, we probably won't see Jason Sudeikis' portrayal of Republican nominee Mitt Romney on Saturday Night Live again. In fact, who knows how long we'll even see Sudeikis from here on out. According to most reports, the actor only returned to Season 38 of SNL to play Romney, and with the election now behind us, his time on the show may be wrapping up.

We may see Romney one last time on tonight's SNL, but in case we don't, here are ten sketches featuring Sudeikis' version of Romney. It's interesting to see Sudeikis' Romney evolved as the campaign went along. If you ask me, it was only in the final weeks of the campaign that Sudeikis nailed down this caricature. Too bad we'll never get to see where he would've taken it from here.

Check out the top ten times Sudeikis played Romney after the jump.

1. GOP Debate Cold Opening

2. GOP Debate 3 Cold Open

3. Mitt Romney Shake Up Cold Opening

4. Mitt Romney Primaries Cold Open

5. Mitt Romney Cold Open

6. Mitt Romney-Chris Christie Cold Opening

7. Fox and Friends on Romney Cold Open

8. Debate Cold Open

9. Town Hall Debate Cold Open

10. Weekend Update: Mitt Romney
Farewell, 'SNL' Mitt Romney: 10 Times Jason Sudeikis Played the GOP Presidential Candidate Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/10/2012 Rating: 5

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