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BOX OFFICE REPORT (JAN. 18-20): Jessica Chastain Rules the Box Office as 'Mama' and 'Zero Dark Thirty' Top the Weekend

Poor Arnold Schwarzenegger. All the guy wanted to do was return to being a big-screen action hero, but no one wanted to see him do so. The Last Stand tanked, debuted at No. 10 with just $6.3 million. We're not Arnold fans anymore people? Meanwhile, Jessica Chastain became the champion of the box office, starring in the weekend's Nos. 1 and 2 films. Her new horror film, Mama, opened at No. 1 and Zero Dark Thirty continued to perform. I don't think Chastain is going to have to worry about toiling in obscurity anymore.

1. Mama (N)
$28.12 million ($28.12 million)
As I've mentioned once or twice, I'm not a fan of horror films, so I can't offer my personal opinion of Mama now ... or probably ever. It seems to have gotten good reviews, so I'm all for an original film that's not a remake or a sequel doing well.

2. Zero Dark Thirty (1)
$17.60 million ($55.95 million)
This has been a great box office season for the 2012 Oscar contenders. Lincoln and Life of Pi performed extremely well, and now Zero Dark Thirty is easily trumping movies like The Last Stand. Big Oscar films like Zero Dark Thirty usually go unseen by the average movie-going public, meaning performances like Chastain's are usually missed. Thankfully, everyone is seeing this one.

3. Silver Linings Playbook (10)
$11.35 million ($55.31 million)
Speaking of Oscar contenders, why did Silver Linings Playbook only go to wide release now? Why hasn't it been in wide release for months? I'm not sure what the strategic move was here, but Silver Linings Playbook missed out on capitalizing on a ton of Oscar buzz. At least it was in theaters in time for Jennifer Lawrence's Saturday Night Live hosting gig, I guess.

4. Gangster Squad (3)
$9.11 million ($32.22 million)
Gangster Squad? More like Lamester Squad, right? I'm sorry. That was awful.

5. Broken City (N)
$9 million ($9 million)
I was at a party last night night, and when I tried to explain to someone what Broken City was about, I realized I couldn't. I know that Russell Crowe, Mark Wahlberg and Catherine Zeta-Jones are in Broken City and that Wahlberg's character takes some pictures or something and there's a murder, but I have no idea what the plot is.

Next week's predictions:
1. Mama
2. Zero Dark Thirty
3. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
4. Silver Linings Playbook
5. Movie 43

SOURCE: Box Office Mojo
BOX OFFICE REPORT (JAN. 18-20): Jessica Chastain Rules the Box Office as 'Mama' and 'Zero Dark Thirty' Top the Weekend Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 1/20/2013 Rating: 5

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