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Check Out Jim Carrey in New 'Kick-Ass 2' Pic from 'Entertainment Weekly'

Jim Carrey in Kick-Ass 2 is going to be one of the biggest movie experiences in 2013. Mark that down. After wasting the most-recent years of his career on garbage movies (see Fun with Dick and Jane ... wait .. don't see it), Carrey is ready to show us something different in the R-rated sequel to Matthew Vaughn's Kick-Ass, and Entertainment Weekly has the latest official look at the actor in costume.
In the action-comedy sequel Kick-Ass 2 (out June 28), the eponymous hero (Aaron Taylor-Johnson, right) joins a superhero team called Justice Forever, led by Colonel Stars and Stripes (Jim Carrey, left). Chloe Grace Moretz reprises her role as Mindy, but has "given up Hit Girl and is trying to be a normal teenage," says Jeff Wadlow, who picks up the directing reigns from Matthew Vaughn.
Pretty much the entire Kick-Ass crew is returning for the sequel, with Carrey joining Aaron Johnson, Chloe Grace Moretz and Christopher Mintz-Plasse. In addition to Carrey, Donald Faison (Turk from Scrubs), Clark Duke and John Leguizamo all join the cast.

Check out the full version of pic of Colonel Stars and Stripes talking to Kick-Ass after the jump. I can promise you that there's even a dog wearing a patriotic mask in the full photo.

Check Out Jim Carrey in New 'Kick-Ass 2' Pic from 'Entertainment Weekly' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 1/18/2013 Rating: 5

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