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TV SPOT: Superman Flies as 'Man of Steel' Unveils First Commercial During NCAA Championship Game

If you asked me to pick which summer movie I'm most looking forward to, I'd have a hard time picking just one. Iron Man 3 is going to be awesome, but we already know that Marvel delivers awesome movies. Oblivion is something new and different, but the Joseph Kosinski-directed film isn't going to be an event movie. Man of Steel, though, is going to not only be an event movie but also director Zack Snyder's bold attempt to reboot the Superman movie mythos for the modern world, something that Bryan Singer failed at with 2006's Superman Returns.

Man of Steel got its first commercial during Monday night's NCAA men's basketball championship game, showing off the film to a very large audience. The commercial is basically just a cut-down version of the trailer we saw a few months ago, but it was still cool to see Superman on TV again. Check out the commercial for yourself after the jump.

TV SPOT: Superman Flies as 'Man of Steel' Unveils First Commercial During NCAA Championship Game Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/08/2013 Rating: 5

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