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UPDATE: Dakota Johnson and Charlie Hunnam Get Lead Roles in 'Fifty Shades of Grey' Adaption

Fifty Shades of Grey has made it acceptable for adult women to read porn on airplanes, which I guess is progress? As a guy who doesn't read Twilight fan-fiction that had its names and locations changed in order to avoid copyright infringement, I can't really weigh in on the quality of Fifty Shades of Grey. I do know that the movie adaption has garnered a ton of interest, with speculation over who will play the movie's lead roles taking up a large part of the Internet.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Dakota Johnson has nabbed the lead role of Anastasia Steele. Johnson resume isn't lengthy, with small roles in 21 Jump Street and The Five-Year Engagement leading to a role in Ben and Kate, a Fox sitcom that didn't last long. Johnson is the daughter of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith.

Are Fifty Shades of Grey fans disappointed over this casting? Johnson isn't Emma Watson, who the novel's fan base rabidly wanted.

UPDATE: Fifty Shades of Grey author EL James just announced on Twitter that Sons of Anarchy and Pacific Rim star Charlie Hunnam will be playing Christian Grey alongside Johnson.
UPDATE: Dakota Johnson and Charlie Hunnam Get Lead Roles in 'Fifty Shades of Grey' Adaption Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/02/2013 Rating: 5

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