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Vince Gilligan Says 'Breaking Bad' Finale Wasn't a Dream

Almost immediately after Breaking Bad aired its series finale a few weeks ago, a theory popped up that said almost the entire ending was actually a dying dream of Walter White's. From the moment he got a frozen car to start, things seemed to go surprisingly in Walt's favor, with him carrying out his plans with little going wrong. The New Yorker's Emily Nussbaum and comedian Norm Macdonald were two of the most vocal supporters of this theory.

Well, count that theory as busted. Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan sat down with The Hollywood Reporter to answer four questions about the show, and Aaron Couch immediately brought the "the finale was a dream theory" up.

Gilligan's answer?

"No. I like Norm Macdonald, um, I'm so glad he's a fan. Because Walt would therefore have to be dreaming about things he would otherwise have no knowledge of."

There you have it. Breaking Bad finale — not a dream.

Vince Gilligan Says 'Breaking Bad' Finale Wasn't a Dream Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 10/21/2013 Rating: 5

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