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REBORN: 'Heroes' Is Coming Back as a 13-Episode Miniseries

NBC is in a difficult spot. The shows it wants to succeed (The Michael J. Fox Show, Sean Saves the World) utterly fail. The shows it wants to kill (Community, Parks and Recreation) keep hanging on. I don't have a good segue here, but I guess if you're NBC, the next move is to bring back a show that was once super popular but then fizzled before being put out of its misery. Yes, Heroes is coming back to television.

The series, which originally ran from September 2006 to February 2010, will return to NBC as Heroes Reborn. The network will take a page from its cable competition and release Heroes Reborn as a 13-episode miniseries. Series creator Tim Kring will be back as showrunner. Details are still under wraps. From NBC's press release:

"The enormous impact ‘Heroes’ had on the television landscape when it first launched in 2006 was eye-opening," said NBC Entertainment President Jennifer Salke. "Shows with that kind of resonance don’t come around often and we thought it was time for another installment. We’re thrilled that visionary creator Tim Kring was as excited about jumping back into this show as we were and we look forward to all the new textures and layers Tim plans to add to his original concept. Until we get closer to air in 2015, the show will be appropriately shrouded in secrecy, but we won’t rule out the possibility of some of the show’s original cast members popping back in."

Can we bring Lost back instead? That would be really great.

REBORN: 'Heroes' Is Coming Back as a 13-Episode Miniseries Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 2/24/2014 Rating: 5

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