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BOX OFFICE REPORT (FEB. 21-23): 'The Lego Movie' Stays Awesome, Tops '3 Days to Kill' and 'Pompeii'

1. The Lego Movie (1st)
Weekend gross: $31.5 million / Total domestic gross: $183.2 million / 
Percent drop: 36.9
By now, you've probably lost track of how many times The Lego Movie has been called awesome. I'm going to call it awesome again — it deserves that accolade. Here's a movie, based on a toy (an often dubious status, see Transformers and Battleship) that not only wound up being a box office smash but also a critical smash as well. Seriously, when The Lego Movie wins Best Animated Feature at next year's Oscars, don't be surprised. The movie continued to build on its box office success during its third weekend, scoring another top finish and creeping within $17 million of the $200 million mark.

2. 3 Days to Kill (N)
Weekend gross: $12.3 million / Total domestic gross: $12.3 million / 
Percent drop: NA
Beyond The Lego Movie, the rest of the weekend at the movies wasn't all that great. While a lot of sites were trumpeting 3 Days to Kill as the beginning of a Kevin Costner comeback (he's also starring in Draft Day in April), moviegoers didn't quite see this movie as a sign of a Costner resurrection. Then again, moviegoers didn't bite when it came to Costner in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit either, so this news shouldn't be a shocker.

3. Pompeii (N)
Weekend gross: $10.0 million / Total domestic gross: $10.0 million / 
Percent drop: NA
It cost $100 million to make Pompeii. With a first-weekend gross of only $10 million, it looks like this disaster movie is going to be a box office disaster too. Was anyone looking forward to Pompeii? I mean, I'm sure Kit Harrington's parents saw it, but they have to since he's their son.

4. RoboCop (3rd)
Weekend gross: $9.4 million / Total domestic gross: $43.6 million / 
Percent drop: 56.6
I actually saw RoboCop over the weekend. It actually wasn't all that bad. I'm not sure if it needed to exist, but since it does, "wasn't all that bad" should be taken as a compliment.

5. The Monuments Men (4th)
Weekend gross: $8.1 million / Total domestic gross: $58.1 million / 
Percent drop: 47.7
People keep asking me if I've seen The Monuments Men. Do I need to see The Monuments Men?

8. Frozen (8th)
Weekend gross: $4.4 million / Total domestic gross: $384.1 million
Percent drop: 30
I'm including Frozen in the "Box Office Report" this weekend to note that Disney's blockbuster has now become the fourth highest grossing animated movie domestically, trailing just Shrek 2, The Lion King (when counting for all of its re-releases) and Toy Story 3. Globally, Frozen has grossed $980.4 million. As Box Office Mojo notes, Frozen still has to open in Japan, meaning the film will cross $1 billion worldwide. Nice work, Disney.

Next week's predictions
1. The Lego Movie
2. Son of God
3. Non-Stop
4. 3 Days to Kill
5. RoboCop

SOURCE: Box Office Mojo
BOX OFFICE REPORT (FEB. 21-23): 'The Lego Movie' Stays Awesome, Tops '3 Days to Kill' and 'Pompeii' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 2/24/2014 Rating: 5

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