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New CHAPPIE Trailer Pits Robot Versus Hugh Jackman

Neill Blomkamp sures loves his exosuits, doesn't he? They played a big part in both District 9 and Elysium, and the latest trailer for Chappie showed off the director's latest take on the piece of scifi tech. After Sharlto Copley and Matt Damon got to play with exosuits, it's now Hugh Jackman's turn.

Honestly, after that first trailer for Chappie, I wasn't sure about the movie. Thanks to this new trailer, though, I'm feeling better about it. Blomkamp is definitely sticking to his usual themes of technology vs. humanity and class struggles, but making a robot the main character is a new twist. (For Blomkamp, that is.)

Chappie stars the Copley, Jackman, Sigourney Weaver and Dev Patel. The movie opens on March 6.
New CHAPPIE Trailer Pits Robot Versus Hugh Jackman Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 1/11/2015 Rating: 5

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