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TRAILER: Paralyzed Poet Looks to Lose His Virginity in 'The Sessions'

As the calendar has now turned to September, we're about to get a wave of Oscar-caliber films coming our way. The Sessions, which got its first real trailer today courtesy of Empire, is one of those films. The Sessions stars John Hawkes as a man paralyzed due to childhood polio who hires a sex surrogate (played by Helen Hunt) to help him loose his virginity. William H. Macy plays a priest who Hawkes' character goes to for guidance.

While Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln is the first person to come to most people's minds when thinking about the potential 2013 Best Actor Oscar winner, Hawkes has been building a stealthy buzz for the award himself. Both Lincoln and The Sessions were on my radar when I put together my 10 Movies to Keep on Your Radar for the 2013 Oscars back in February. The Sessions just happened to be titled The Surrogate at that time.

TRAILER: Paralyzed Poet Looks to Lose His Virginity in 'The Sessions' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/07/2012 Rating: 5

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