Your Guide to Zach Galifianakis Hosting 'Saturday Night Live' Tomorrow
Zach Galifianakis will host Saturday Night Live this Saturday with music guest Of Monsters and Men. Here's what you need to know about the upcoming episode.
Has Galifianakis hosted SNL before?
Yup. This is his third time.
What do we know Galifianakis from?
Galifianakis has been known to fans of standup comedy and the movie Out Cold for years, but it was only with 2009's The Hangover did the general public become familiar with the often-bearded actor. Thanks to The Hangover, Galifianakis has gone on to star in two more movies in that franchise along with having main roles in Due Date, The Campaign and Puss in Boots.
Has Of Monsters and Men appeared on SNL before?
Nope. This will be the group's first SNL appearance.
Anything we should expect from this episode?
Well, if previous hosting appearances are any sign, there's the chance Galifianakis could shave something. In the past, he's entered his episodes' final sketches missing his beard or rocking a mohawk. Galifianakis will probably also take the piano for his monologue, something SNL has milked a bit too much already this season. SNL hasn't been on for three weeks, so the show has definitely missed a lot, but most of the news doesn't seem to be things the show can play catch up on. There's no way SNL could address the Boston Bombings without seeming opportunistic now. The whole "sorority girl sends a profane/hilarious email" thing is too old to be timely.
Your Guide to Zach Galifianakis Hosting 'Saturday Night Live' Tomorrow
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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