'Star Wars Rebels' Has a Villain: The Inquisitor Will Lead the Empire's Hunt for Jedi Knights
At New York Comic Con, Lucasfilm revealed that the upcoming Disney XD cartoon would take place 14 years after Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith, picking up as the Empire turns its attention from the core of the galaxy to the Outer Rim (think Tatooine and its neighborhood). From Lucasfilm:
Hidalgo revealed that the series takes place about 14 years after the events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, a time in which the Emperor's rule is secure and the Empire is seeking to expand its power to Outer Rim territories. That leads Imperial forces to Lothal, a poor planet that initially welcomes the Empire on the promise of security and prosperity. It soon becomes obvious, however, that the Empire does not have Lothal's best interests at heart, as the Imperials exploit its people and begin recruiting young citizens to join TIE fighter and Stormtrooper academies, or to work in the Sienar Fleet Systems factory -- which builds TIE fighters -- in the planet's capital.
Wow. There's some hardcore Star Wars nerd knowledge in that description. Up until now, Sienar Fleet Systems has been relegated to the Expanded Universe. It's impressive that Lucasfilm is nerding up its animated offerings. I was a huge fan of Star Wars: The Clone Wars (especially the later seasons), but am now kind of excited to see what Star Wars Rebels has to offer.
Speaking of what Star Wars Rebels has to offer, Executive Producer Dave Filoni gave Star Wars fans a quick tour of the upcoming series in a video that Lucasfilm released on Saturday.
I'm lukewarm on ANOTHER Star Wars villain. Sure, the Inquisitor looks cool, but shouldn't Darth Vader be the one hunting down Jedi during this time period? Why can't Star Wars just give fans what we want to see — a series that shows Vader being the badass we were always told he was. The Prequel Trilogy and Star Wars: The Clone Wars gave us Darth Maul (original style and with robotic legs!) and General Grevious being awesome. When does Vader get his chance? Hopefully Star Wars Rebels will eventually unleash Vader.
'Star Wars Rebels' Has a Villain: The Inquisitor Will Lead the Empire's Hunt for Jedi Knights
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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