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French Facebook Gives America Even More 'Dark Knight Rises' Posters

It looks like Warner Bros. is going to give us everything they possibly can over the next two months to make you forget that The Avengers was ever a thing. You want The Dark Knight Rises posters? They've got The Dark Knight Rises posters. After (regular) Facebook brought us a fiery Gotham yesterday and Yahoo! Movies delivered a trifecta of awesome character posters earlier today, the French Facebook dropped another set of character posters, these ones a bit softer and snowier.

I like the ones from earlier today better, but these ones are still pretty great. And just remember, on 25 Juillet, la légende s' achéve.

French Facebook Gives America Even More 'Dark Knight Rises' Posters Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/22/2012 Rating: 5

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