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TV SPOT: 'The Dark Knight Rises' Gets Back In the Game

Warner Bros. wasn't happy just releasing a ton of posters for The Dark Knight Rises this week. On Wednesday night, The Dark Knight Rises got its first TV commercial. Like the trailers have alluded to, The Dark Knight Rises picks up after Batman has been gone for several years. "I need you to get me back into the game, " Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne tells Morgan Freeman's Lucius Fox.

There's a lot of new footage in this commercial. Awesome.

Can we all stop saying we can't understand Tom Hardy's Bane too? Yeah, he has a weird accent. If you can't understand him, it's because you just want to be able to say you can't understand him.

TV SPOT: 'The Dark Knight Rises' Gets Back In the Game Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/23/2012 Rating: 5

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