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'Captain America 2' Gets 'Happy Endings' Directors

The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Marvel has selected Anthony and Joe Russo to direct Captain America 2 and that the parties are in final negotiations for a deal. The Russo brothers are currently executive producers on both Community and Happy Endings and have directed several episodes of each show. The biggest movie on their movie resumés appears to be the Owen Wilson-starring You, Me & Dupree.

Marvel has been all over the place when it comes to choosing directors for the movies in the Cinematic Universe. TV directors, guys with Shakespearian backgrounds, geek icons — there really isn't a pattern to the studio's decisions beyond the fact that they're willing to take some chances. As a huge fan of Community and Happy Endings, I'm looking forward to seeing what the Russo brothers can do with a big-budget Captain America movie. Any chance Elisha Cuthbert might get a role in it now?
'Captain America 2' Gets 'Happy Endings' Directors Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/06/2012 Rating: 5

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