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First Official Look at 'Iron Man 3'

This morning, Marvel tweeted our first official look at next summer's Iron Man 3. Obviously to them, those spy shots of Iron Patriot on the set of Iron Man 3 don't count. The Iron Man 3 photo isn't much more than a set shot of Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark in his workshop taking in the seven version of his Iron Man armor, from the Mark I that saved him in Afghanistan right up through the Mark VII, which he donned to fight Loki.

Don't get your hopes about how the armor that's second from the left. It's invisible Iron Man armor, it's just where the Mark II should be. I'm guessing War Machine is still borrowing that one ...

First Official Look at 'Iron Man 3' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/04/2012 Rating: 5

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