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'I'M THOR!': Chris Hemsworth Tells Conan He Wants a Rematch with Harry Potter

When Thor hit theaters last year, Conan O'Brien started a brilliant gag where he ran Thor trailers and commercials that had Chris Hemsworth's voice replaced with a high-pitched voice yelling things like "I'm Thor!" and "Ker-smash!" Apparently Hemsworth actually found those bits hilarious and told O'Brien that much while on Thursday night's episode of Conan, even beginning in his interview in that cartoonish voice.

It's great to see that Hemsworth is such a good sport about this. Some actors would've hated that a late-night host was mocking the promotional items for their big superhero debut. It does sound like Hemsworth would like his Thor to have a rematch with Harry Potter for the MTV Movie Award for Best Superhero. Gotta agree with Hemsworth on this one. Harry Potter's a great guy, but this is Thor we're talking about. I don't think Voldemort would've stood a chance against Mjolnir.

Unfortunately, Team Coco didn't include Hemsworth's introduction in either of the clips they released. You can still see it by watching the full-episode (which I'm unable to embed). Fast forward to the 18-minute mark to catch the introduction.

'I'M THOR!': Chris Hemsworth Tells Conan He Wants a Rematch with Harry Potter Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/08/2012 Rating: 5

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