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TRAILER: Dinosaurs Are Still Awesome, Right? 'Jurassic Park' Returns to Theaters in 3D

Here's something that will make you feel old. When Jurassic Park returns to theaters in 3D next year, it'll be the film's twentieth anniversary. Yup, 20 years. Crazy, huh? Most of what we've seen over the past two decades in terms of CGI can be traced back to what Steven Spielberg did with Jurassic Park, as the director pushed the technology to new heights in order to bring dinosaurs (back) to life.

Relive the magic of Jurassic Park with the film's 3D release trailer after the jump.

TRAILER: Dinosaurs Are Still Awesome, Right? 'Jurassic Park' Returns to Theaters in 3D Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/09/2012 Rating: 5

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