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Will Ferrell, Liam Neeson, Nick Offerman and Alison Brie Click Into 'Lego' Movie Roles

With every toy and game from our childhoods being turned into a movie, it's no surprise that a Lego movie is in the works. Originally titled Lego: Piece of Resistance but now just Lego, the movie is about a minifigure named Emmett, voiced by Chris Pratt, who gets mistaken for the MasterBuilder. Will Arnett, Channing Tatum, Elizabeth Banks and Morgan Freeman have also signed on for roles. Will Ferrell, Liam Neeson, Nick Offerman and Alison Brie have now signed on for roles, reports Deadline.

Ferrell will play Emmet’s primary adversary, President Business; Neeson is the president’s powerful henchman, Bad Cop; Offerman is a craggy, swaggering pirate obsessed with revenge on President Business; and Brie is a member of Emmet’s team with a powerful secret.

Lego is directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the guys who brought us 21 Jump Street, and hits theaters on Feb. 7, 2014.
Will Ferrell, Liam Neeson, Nick Offerman and Alison Brie Click Into 'Lego' Movie Roles Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/09/2012 Rating: 5

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