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Johnny Depp and Armie Get New Posters for Disney's 'The Lone Ranger'

If Disney's The Lone Ranger is anything like The Pirates of the Caribbean (well, the first one, at least), it'll be a fun movie that launches a new franchise, thanks mostly to an eccentric Johnny Depp performance. Whether or not The Lone Ranger delivers on that promise is yet to be seen, but that's exactly what Disney has to be hoping for. With the exception of last summer's John Carter, the studio has been on fire when it comes to launching or nurturing new franchises. Between Pixar, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Pirates of the Caribbean, Oz: The Great and Powerful and the eventual Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Disney is doing pretty well. Will The Lone Ranger add itself to that list of successes?

We have to wait until July 3 to find out how The Lone Ranger does, but in the meantime, you can check out the two new posters featuring Armie Hammer as the Lone Ranger and Depp as Tonto after the jump.

Johnny Depp and Armie Get New Posters for Disney's 'The Lone Ranger' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/08/2013 Rating: 5

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