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TRAILER: 'The Frozen Ground' Has Nicholas Cage, John Cusack and Vanessa Hudgens as a Stripper

Movies get shuffled around and have their release dates rescheduled all the time. Sometimes it's to take advantage of a better weekend. Sometimes it's to go back and shoot more Channing Tatum scenes. The weirdest part of this occurrence is when the promotional push starts for a movie before it gets shuffled, which often leads to a stop-and-start style marketing campaign. I'm pretty sure The Frozen Ground is one of those movies. With a cast that boasts Nicholas Cage (always unforgettable), John Cusack and Vanessa Hudgens (playing a stripper), The Frozen Ground would be a hard movie to miss, and I'm recall seeing a trailer for the movie months ago.

What they're calling the first official trailer for The Frozen Ground hit the Internet on Friday, and it's a bit different from the version I remember seeing. The basic parts are all still there, though. Cage plays a police officer who believes Cusack's character is the man behind a chain of serial killings, with Hudgens character being a escaped victim and Cage's character's key witness. The Frozen Ground is based on Robert Hansen, a serial killer in Alaska during the 1980s.

The movie doesn't have a release date yet, but with the trailer advertising that the movie will be in theaters and on-demand, that doesn't bode well for The Frozen Ground. Films that premier on-demand usually aren't going anywhere. Check out the trailer after the jump and see for yourself.

TRAILER: 'The Frozen Ground' Has Nicholas Cage, John Cusack and Vanessa Hudgens as a Stripper Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/08/2013 Rating: 5

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