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Hank Pym Picks a Fight With a Much Bigger Yellowjacket in New ANT-MAN Image

Buried under all the hype for Avengers: Age of Ultron is the fact that there's another Marvel Cinematic Universe movie hitting theaters this summer: Ant-Man. The film has its own big stars — Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly — but its been easy to forget about Ant-Man. There's been a single poster and one trailer for the movie so far.

Ant-Man might finally be getting the promotional push it deserves. Entertainment Weekly debuted a new image from the movie on Thursday, showing off a full-sized Yellowjacket facing off against a, well, ant-sized Ant-Man.

Lang’s armor is positively pacifist compared with the more advanced suit worn by the nefarious Darren Cross, a.k.a. Yellowjacket (Corey Stoll). “Hank Pym’s Ant-Man suit doesn’t have a single weapon,” says director Peyton Reed (Yes Man), “whereas Yellowjacket is armed with plasma cannons.” That would make the first big showdown between the foes, pictured here, a decided mismatch, right? Maybe not. “Ant-Man is very fast when he’s small,” he says. “Also, when he shrinks, he increases his density, so he’s got increased strength.” (Not to mention that ant-whispering power, which plays a crucial role in Lang’s attempt to steal Yellowjacket’s garb.) To film this encounter, the costars wore motion-capture suits and were shot separately. “It was a new experience as far as the motion-capture-suit-ness of it,” says Rudd, who is better known on screen for cracking wise than cracking heads. “But none of it feels that different. Every part, I’m pretending to be somebody I’m not. It’s all just a big lie!”

Ant-Man opens on July 17. Expect a new trailer to run with Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Hank Pym Picks a Fight With a Much Bigger Yellowjacket in New ANT-MAN Image Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/09/2015 Rating: 5

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