OSCARINDEX: 'Lincoln,' 'Silver Linings,' 'Les Mis' and 'Argo' Get Closer to 'The Master'
The Bill Kuchman Chronicle OscarIndex is a nifty chart of the top ten films that you should be paying attention to in order to be ready for the the Oscars. Each film on the list is assigned an OscarIndex number, with the No. 1 film getting a score of 100. The following nine films then get OscarIndex numbers based on how much buzz they have going into the Academy Awards compared to the No. 1 film.
Things were quite on the Oscar front over the past week. The Master still holds onto its spot at the top of the OscarIndex, but Silver Linings Playbook, Lincoln, Les Misérables and Argo are still chipping away at its lead. Lincoln had a sneak preview at the New York Film Festival on Monday night, and while critics aren't currently allowed to post reviews, things sounded overwhelmingly positive. Once reviews for Lincoln get out, it should gain steam. Argo hits theaters this upcoming weekend, and once the film is in wide release, I expect the Ben Affleck-directed film to continue its climb. At the bottom of the OscarIndex, Life of Pi bumps off Moonrise Kingdom.
Head past the jump to check out the full OscarIndex: October 9, 2012 Edition.
OSCARINDEX: 'Lincoln,' 'Silver Linings,' 'Les Mis' and 'Argo' Get Closer to 'The Master'
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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