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BOX OFFICE REPORT (MAY 3-5): 'Iron Man 3' Soars Above Competition With Second-Biggest Opening Weekend

Just a year after Marvel Studios broke almost every box office with The Avengers, the studio proved that those numbers weren't a fluke with Iron Man 3. We're living in a brave new world where the Marvel Cinematic Universe films should be considered box office behemoths, not just movies that will debut at No. 1. Thanks to The Avengers, these franchises made the leap from being kinda niche superhero movies to movies that appeal to a very wide range of moviegoers.

What can we expect from the next installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Thor: The Dark World hits theaters in November, and while the original Thor made $65.72 million (a respectable opening weekend), should we pencil the sequel in for at least $100 million now?

1. Iron Man 3 (N)
$175.30 million ($175.30 million)
What else can we say about Iron Man 3 that hasn't already been said? The movie didn't beat The Avengers' opening weekend record, but its still going to cast a very wide shadow over the box office for the next few weeks. Remember how many movies tried to dethrone The Avengers last year but couldn't? Battleship, Dark Shadows and The Dictator were all supposed to be box office players, but crumbled in the face of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Do The Great Gatsby and Star Trek Into Darkness have what it takes to beat Iron Man 3 in May?

2. Pain and Gain (2)
$7.60 million ($33.92 million)
There was a $167.7 million gap between Iron Man 3 and Pain and Gain at the box office, the second biggest gap in history. The Avengers put $199.33 million between itself and Think Like a Man last summer.

3. 42 (3)
$6.21 million ($78.34 million)
Does 42 have what it takes to hit the $100 million mark? That would be quite an accomplishment for the movie, and would be another accomplishment to add to Chadwick Boseman's resume. Might he have his own Marvel movie to celebrate at the box office in a few years?

4. Oblivion (2)
$5.80 million ($75.97 million)
Speaking of the $100 million mark, I don't think Oblivion has the momentum to reach that milestone, which is too bad since it's a fantastic movie.

5. The Croods (5)
$4.23 million ($168.74 million)
I read on the Internet that parents who don't love their kids take them to see The Croods.

Next week's predictions:
1. Iron Man 3
2. The Great Gatsby
3. Tyler Perry Presents Peoples
4. Pain and Gain
5. 42

SOURCE: Box Office Mojo
BOX OFFICE REPORT (MAY 3-5): 'Iron Man 3' Soars Above Competition With Second-Biggest Opening Weekend Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/05/2013 Rating: 5

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