Ashley Green Replaces Anna Kendrick in Zach Braff's Kickstarter Movie
Since a bunch of people handed over their own money to help Zach Braff make a movie that he wound up getting studio funding for anyways (and that he should've been able to fund on his own with all that sweet, sweet Garden State cash), Wish I Was Here has been moving forward in pulling together a cash. On Wednesday, Vulture reported that Pitch Perfect's Anna Kendrick had dropped out, with Braff bringing Twilight's Ashley Greene in to replace her. According to Vulture, "Greene will play a cosplay-loving comic-book-convention attendee, with whom Braff's brother falls in love." Josh Gad plays that brother.
According to IMDb, Joey King, Jim Parsons, Kate Hudson, Mandy Patinkin and Donald Faison have also signed up for roles in Wish I Was Here. The movie is expected to be released around September 2014.
According to IMDb, Joey King, Jim Parsons, Kate Hudson, Mandy Patinkin and Donald Faison have also signed up for roles in Wish I Was Here. The movie is expected to be released around September 2014.
Ashley Green Replaces Anna Kendrick in Zach Braff's Kickstarter Movie
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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