75 Movies to Get Excited About in 2014 (Part 5)
Popculturology is holding off on releasing our picks for top films of 2013 for a few weeks (look, no one invited us to a screenings of Her or Inside Llewyn Davis, so we're missing a few key pieces), but that doesn't mean we can't start talking about what 2014 has in store for us at the theater. Last year, Popculturology looked at 44 Movies to Get Excited About in 2013. Guess what? This year, we're bringing you a look at 75 movies. All for the same cost. You're welcome. We'll bring you Popculturology's 75 Movies to Get Excited About in 2014 in five installments this week.
Check out the fifth set of 15 movies here. The order is strictly alphabetical, so don't worry that something ridiculous like The Expendables 3 comes before an Oscar contender like Unbroken. As always, head to the comments to let us know which movies you're looking forward to in 2014.
THURSDAY: Part 4 • TODAY: Part 5
Feb. 12
Did the Robocop remake coin the term "robophobic"? If they did, I bet the writers of this screenplay ran around their desks, high-fiving everyone after they wrote that line. Robocop doesn't look great, but any movie that bring together a Batman, Nick Fury and Commissioner Gordon should get points for that.
April 11
David Ayer delivered one of the best films of 2012, with End of Watch sadly going under the radar when it came to awards season. While Sabotage might not be at the same critical level as End of Watch, the next film Ayer directs should be a ton of fun. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the leader of a DEA squad. There should be at least one awesome line from Schwarzenegger in the film.
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
Aug. 22
Fans of Sin City have been waiting almost a decade for a sequel to Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's edgy comic book adaption. Much of the original Sin City's cast, including Bruce Willis and Jessica Alba return for Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, with new castmembers like Eva Green and Joseph Gordon-Levitt bolstering the film's roster of talent.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Aug. 8
We're just months away from a world where a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie produced by Transformers guru Michael Bay and starring Megan Fox as April O'Neil is a reality. Diehard fans of TMNT are probably dreading what Bay and director Johnathan Liebesman have planned for the franchise, but maybe we should wait until the first trailer for the film debuts before we start rioting?
That Awkward Moment
Jan. 31
Before Zac Efron journeys into R-rated comedy with Neighbors, he'll appear in That Awkward Moment, a movie about three guys dealing with the impact romantic relations (not with each other) have on their lives. Actors-on-the-rise Michael B. Jordan and Miles Teller play the other two parts of That Awkward Moment's bro trio.
3 Days to Kill
Feb. 21
Kevin Costner has a busy 2014 ahead of himself. In addition to starring in Draft Day and helping Chris Pine in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, Costner plays a Secret Service agent who has to carry out one final mission in, you guessed it, three days before he dies.
300: Rise of an Empire
March 7
Sin City isn't the only Frank Miller property getting a long-awaited sequel in 2014. Much of the original cast from 300 isn't back for 300: Rise of an Empire, but Eva Green (also in Miller's Sin City: A Dame to Kill For) and Sullivan Stapleton have enlisted for another round of Greek warfare.
April 18
Johnny Depp has finally broken away from Tim Burton's clutches, ditching those ridiculous wigs and crazy face paint to star in Transcendence, longtime Christopher Nolan cinematographer Wally Pfister's directorial debut. Depp plays a man who uploads himself from his dying body to a supercomputer.
Transformers: Age of Extinction
June 27
Michael Bay is back for a fourth Transformers movie. Transformers: Age of Extinction isn't a reboot of the franchise, but it's definitely a fresh star. Shia LaBeouf is gone, with Bay bringing in Mark Wahlberg, his Pain and Gain star, to replace him. No word on who the movie's villain is yet, but expect to see the Dinobots.
22 Jump Street
June 13
After the success of 21 Jump Street — a relaunch of the 1980s TV show, making Channing Tatum a comedic star — there was little doubt the movie would get a sequel. From the looks of its trailer, 22 Jump Street, whose title is explained by the fact the undercover cop program had to move across the street, the sequel is going to bring the same level of insanity as its predecessor.
Dec. 25
A war drama directed by Angelina Jolie and written by Joel and Ethan Cohen? Jolie's first time directing didn't really garner much attention, but Unbroken should be another story. Expect Oscar buzz for this one.
Veronica Mars
March 14
Fans of Veronica Mars paid for this movie through a Kickstarter campaign — will they love the movie as much as they loved the TV show?
Welcome to Yesterday
Feb. 28
If you loved The Butterfly Effect (which is not only totally underrated but also probably Ashton Kutcher's best movie) and Chronicle (which was one of 2012's biggest surprise hits), Welcome to Yesterday is your kind of film. Welcome to Yesterday adopts Chronicle's found footage and young adults concept with The Butterfly Effect's look at the repercussions of altering the past.
Winter's Tale
Feb. 14
Akiva Goldsman has written great films like A Beautiful Mind and written awful films like Batman and Robin. Goldsman directs Winter's Tale, which means this movie could go in any direction. The movie stars Colin Farrell, who continues attempting to get his career restarted.
X-Men: Days of Future Past
May 23
Could this be the greatest X-Men in the history of X-Men movies? With Bryan Singer, the director of the original two X-Men movies, back at the helm for X-Men: Days of Future Past and with the casts of the original X-Men trilogy and the X-Men: First Class prequel coming together, this film has a ton of potential. Not only did Fox spend an insane amount of money to make Days of Future Past a reality (those Sentinels aren't cheap), but it's already greenlit X-Men: Apocalypse to follow.
75 Movies to Get Excited About in 2014 (Part 5)
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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