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Alyson Hannigan Reveals That 'HIMYM' Series Finale Originally Had a Funeral Scene

It's almost been a month since the How I Met Your Mother series finale aired, and fans are still trying to find closure. Alyson Hannigan just made that even harder to do by telling TVLine that a "'one-second' montage of title character Tracy’s funeral" that had been in the final table read was cut from the episode.

"Honestly, if you saw [that] cut, it would be even more heart-wrenching than what the finale was," Hannigan told TVLine. "They were like, 'No. It's just too gut-wrenching.' And I was like, 'That's what I want. I want my heart ripped out and slammed on the floor and, like, stomped on!'"

Why. Was. This. Cut?

Even if it was just a one-second scene, fans needed to mourn The Mother's death. They deserved that chance. Hannigan was dead on here, saying the funeral scene "would have been better for the audience, so that then they can process, 'Oh, [Ted] mourned. He got closure.' And then they'd be happy that [he and Robin] got together. Rather than be like, 'Oh, wait. She died? What? They're together, huh?' And credits. That's what I think was too fast."

Why wasn't anyone running HIMYM listening to its stars? Hopefully this scene will either end up as a deleted scene on the complete series collection or worked into the highly anticipated alternate ending.
Alyson Hannigan Reveals That 'HIMYM' Series Finale Originally Had a Funeral Scene Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/27/2014 Rating: 5

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