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Morena Baccarin Joins Ryan Reynolds in DEADPOOL

If Ryan Reynolds tweeting a picture of the in-progress Deadpool costume last week wasn't enough to convince you the movie was actually, really happening, we now have news that Morena Baccarin has been cast as Deadpool's female lead.

The Hollywood Reporter broke the news on Wednesday. While the outlet didn't say who Baccarin was playing, several reports point to the Homeland and Gotham actress playing Copycat.

Deadpool is set to hit theaters on Feb. 12, 2016. In addition to Reynolds and Baccarin, TJ Miller and Gina Carano are on board. Colossus will also be a character in Deadpool, but Daniel Cudmore won't be back to reprise the role. Cudmore previously played Colossus in X2, X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Morena Baccarin Joins Ryan Reynolds in DEADPOOL Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 2/18/2015 Rating: 5

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